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{{item.title}} {{item.condition.title}} {{item.title}} - {{}}
      - {{pitem.title}}

      - Attendees:  {{name}}
View Subscription Details
{{item.subscriptionData.labels.adverb}} Price: {{item.subscriptionData.price_per_kit | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}}
Subscription Length: {{item.subscriptionData.subscription_length}} {{item.subscriptionData.labels.plural}}
Start/End Date: {{item.subscriptionData.start_date}} - {{item.subscriptionData.end_date}}
Registration Fee (One Time): {{item.subscriptionData.registration_fee | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}}
Previous {{item.subscriptionData.labels.plural}}: {{item.subscriptionData.previous_items_cnt}} x {{item.subscriptionData.price_per_kit | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}} Not Included
Delivery Method: Shipped - {{item.subscriptionData.shipping_fee | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}} In-Store Pickup
Address: {{item.subscriptionData.address}}
Total {{item.subscriptionData.labels.adverb}}: {{item.subscriptionData.total_per_kit | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}}
Due Today: {{item.subscriptionData.due_today | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}}
This item is not eligible for discounts
{{getItemPriceForWeb(item) | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}}
{{getItemGstPrice(item) | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}}
{{ getItemUnitType(item); }}
{{getItemTotalForWeb(item) | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}}
{{getItemGstTotal(item) | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}}
Subtotal: {{SubTotal | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}} {{InitInfo.CurrencyCode}}
Subtotal: {{GST_SubTotal | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}} {{InitInfo.CurrencyCode}}
 {{giftCardCouponMsg}}  Gift Card Applied  Coupon Added
Only a single coupon with the highest savings will be applied. Coupons do not apply to On Sale Items
-{{ | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}}   {{ couponUnavailabilityMessage(c) }}  
Gift Cards
-{{gc.Amount | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}}  

- OR -

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Online checkout is currently disabled. Please call {{}} to place an order.

We're sorry, but inventory is no longer available for the following items. Your cart has been adjusted and the product(s) removed
  • {{msg}}

Your cart is empty. Click Here to continue shopping.

Description Quantity Amount
{{item.title}} ({{item.condition.title}}) {{item.title}} This item is not eligible for discounts - {{}}
      - {{pitem.title}}

      - Attendees:  {{name}}
Metres {{item.measure_unit}}s
{{getItemPrice(item) | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}} {{getItemGstTotal(item) | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}}
View Subscription Details
{{item.subscriptionData.labels.adverb}} Price: {{item.subscriptionData.price_per_kit | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}}
Subscription Length: {{item.subscriptionData.subscription_length}} {{item.subscriptionData.labels.plural}}
Start/End Date: {{item.subscriptionData.start_date}} - {{item.subscriptionData.end_date}}
Registration Fee (One Time): {{item.subscriptionData.registration_fee | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}}
Previous {{item.subscriptionData.labels.plural}}: {{item.subscriptionData.previous_items_cnt}} x {{item.subscriptionData.price_per_kit | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}} Not Included
Delivery Method: Shipped - {{item.subscriptionData.shipping_fee | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}} In-Store Pickup
Address: {{item.subscriptionData.address}}
Total {{item.subscriptionData.labels.adverb}}: {{item.subscriptionData.total_per_kit | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}}
Due Today: {{item.subscriptionData.due_today | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}}

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Please enter a valid {{ShippingInfo.ZipOrPostal}} to see shipping options

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Gift Message   Change
This is a gift
{{GiftMessage.Message}} There is no message
Shipping Information   Change
{{ShippingInfo.FirstName}} {{ShippingInfo.LastName}}
{{ShippingInfo.City}}, {{ShippingInfo.State}} {{ShippingInfo.Zip}}
No shipping required
Store Pickup Information Curbside Pickup Information School Delivery Information   Change
Additional Comments   Change
Subtotal   Enter Coupon | Gift Card {{SubTotal | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}} {{InitInfo.CurrencyCode}}
 {{giftCardCouponMsg}}  Gift Card Applied  Coupon Applied
Discount {{coupon.title}}   [remove] -{{ | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}}
Shipping {{}}
{{ShippingInfo.Option.price | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}} {{getGstShippingTotal() | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}}
Taxes {{StatusInfo.DynamicTaxAddressError}} {{Taxes | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}}
Shipping Taxes {{ShippingTaxes | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}}
Gift Card [remove]
-{{gc.Amount | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}}
Total {{Due | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}} {{InitInfo.CurrencyCode}} {{GST_Due | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}} {{InitInfo.CurrencyCode}}
{{getGstTaxes() | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}} GST included in total
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Your balance of {{Due | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}} {{InitInfo.CurrencyCode}} can be paid at the store when you pickup your item(s).

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{{BillingInfo.FirstName}} {{BillingInfo.LastName}}
{{BillingInfo.City}}, {{BillingInfo.State}} {{BillingInfo.Zip}}
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Your balance of {{Due | currency:InitInfo.CurrencySymbol2}} {{InitInfo.CurrencyCode}} can be paid at the store when you pickup your item(s).
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